On June 6, 2023, I asked Maya to marry me, and she said yes. I am so excited to finally be taking the steps toward marriage with Maya. Her and I had been dating for just over 2 and a half years and we felt like it was time for us to take the next step.
So, what does that mean about my minister focus? Well, the good news is that there will not be a big change on what I will be doing or who I am passionate about reaching. I will still be heading to Long Beach and be working with the campus team there. What is amazing is that Maya plans on staying local in Long Beach too so that is not a big discussion that we have to have right now.
What will be changing in this season is Maya and I will be learning to navigate the engagement process together while also focusing on our careers. We will be doing marriage counseling, financial counseling, wedding planning, and also having amazing conversations with the happily married people in our lives to seek advice to help prepare us as best we can for our lives together.
I am super excited for this new season that her and I get to step into. If you want any more details, then feel free to reach out to me and I would love to catch up and chat about it. Please continue to pray for me while I am in this support raising season and pray for us as we continue to navigate this engagement time.