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Recap of Spring Semester


I am so excited to share with you the big things that the Lord has done this Spring 2024 semester! As we continue to trust in the Lord’s plan for our movement we have seen:

The Lord has brought up 16 new student leaders for the Fall who are passionate about incorporating their gifts into sharing and showing the love of Jesus on campus.

This semester we have seen success at Long Beach City College with them becoming a chartered organization and they are in contact with 12 students who are following Jesus, some of which are solid in their faith and others are seeking how to grow deeper in their faith with Jesus

Praise the Lord for 12 decisions for Christ this year!! 🥳 We are so grateful with how God is working in the hearts of our students on CSULB. One decision was made at Fall Retreat, three decisions were made during our campus outreach in the fall, one decision was made from a student at Cerritos College in the fall, two decisions came throughout the spring semester at CSULB, and finally five decisions came from Guatemala. The people reached this year have made a decision to follow Christ for a lifetime and we pray will continue to be moved deeply by the truth of the gospel.

This year’s Winter Conference in Anaheim, CA we collaborated with movements from the west and Epic Movements from all over the US, hosting close to 1,000 students. Students came together to worship the Lord, go out into the local communities and serve the way Jesus did, get challenged in their faith in a deeper way than they may have experienced before, and receive prayer at the end of the conference from the staff members!

Students had the opportunity to rub shoulders with the Cru and Epic movement from the University of Arizona by hosting them for a week during U of A’s Spring break. Students got to welcome them into their movement, worship together, hear testimonies from students from U of A, listen to a talk from a speaker from U of A, and do an outreach together to impact the campus.

Intercede for us!

This year we have seen God work so much, with that we know we can expect opposition, so please pray for unity as we continue to watch God work through us for these coming years!

Pray for our students who are on summer mission. We have three students on summer mission right now. Pray that God would give them a greater vision for the lost and bring the fire God puts on their heart back to campus.

Pray for our student leaders, that they can trust God during the summer and feel encouraged going into the next school year.

Pray that students hearts are softened and eager to be part of a community and would step out and seek for a Christian community.

Pray for our students to continue to take steps of faith by sharing Jesus to their friends and family who do not follow Jesus.

Pray for us staff as we all are stepping into a season of support raising. Pray that we trust God to provide for us, the movements, and the campuses we aren’t on currently.

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